Flux HiFI Electronic Stylus Cleaner

I treated myself to the Flux HIFI electronic stylus cleaner.  I knew I had to get over the $150 price tag and just give it a try--I can always return it to Music Direct.  

Well, the thing works as advertised.  The result in sound quality was surprising.  Even though I thought I had great cartridge hygiene, the Flux shows me my methods are not as good as I thought.  

I highly recommend this product if you enjoy vinyl.  I have to think in addition to sound quality I would see a better stylus life and less record wear.  
Dear @jbhiller : Yes, the electronic stylus cleaner really works. I own the Audio Technica one that if I remember was the first company to offer in audio market. Afeter AT came Signet ( that's was part/member of the AT group. ) and latter on Audioquest and now the one you bougth.

In the past I used more frequently than today. I noted that if I use at the begin of a listen session then from the very first note the cartridge shows its normal quality performance, as if its suspension sttle down because normally my cartridges sounds " normal " after around 10 minutes of playing.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

There certainly WERE record and stylus cleaners before the 1980’s. I bought my first Cecil E. Watts Preener and Stylus Cleaner in ’68, as well as that company’s Dust Bug, which was a narrow cylindrical-shaped velvet-covered tube on the end of a clear plastic arm. It was pulled inward at the same rate as the cartridge, keeping the LP dust-free as it played. Watts also made a more sophisticated cleaner named the Parastat.

I then bought the original Discwasher when it was introduced in the early-70’s, followed shortly by the Zerostat. Decca in England was offering their carbon fibre brush back then too. And Keith Monks was making a vacuum record cleaning machine in the mid-70’s, long before Nitty Gritty and VPI introduced theirs in the early-80’s.

Why do some people insist on making statements which do nothing but reveal his/her ignorance of hi-fi history?

Why do some people insist on making statements which do nothing but reveal his/her ignorance of hi-fi history?
+1 Eric!