Acoustic Suspension sound in 2020?

I really like the sound of the 1960's-1970's acoustic suspension speakers owning a pair of AR-11's.

For a second installation, two questions for you folks who know far more than I--
- First, what if any new speakers have a similar sound?
- Second, any thoughts on KLH 5 and 6 vs. Large Advents vs. AR-3/11 and/or others?

Budget--I'll figure out later...if ideas are expensive, why not have a lust list to go with the purchase short list???!!!

Thanks very much!

Vandersteens are not acoustic suspension speakers. New acoustic suspension speakers are few and far between.  Magico and ATC make acoustic suspension speakers.It’s too bad there are not many more than that!
If you like the East Coast Sound of acoustic suspension speakers of the 60s and 70s, I would suggest you look for a good condition vintage pair of the AR, KLH, or Advent speakers that you mentioned. I am not aware of any modern speakers that replicate the sound of these speakers. If you want information regarding specific AR or KLH speakers, I would suggest posting on Audiokarma. There are many East Coast Sound speaker enthusiasts on that site.
Acoustic suspension is still the finest in overall bass quality and lowest distortion. Caveat: If properly done.

The end.
@yogiboy Vandersteen 2s and 1s are sealed-box enclosures, no? If no ports, therefore acoustic suspension, unless I misunderstand the definition. There is also an interview with RV in which he cites his inspiration from the sound of the acoustic-suspension designs of Acoustic Research, etc., -- the "New England sound" I think he called it -- when he designed the Model 2.