What's up With VTS?

I've tried to reach Andy at VTS many times over the past couple months without success. Does anyone know what's going on? Is VTS no more?
Is VTS no more?

I am sure that if Andy was closing the doors, something would have been mentioned on his site and there is nothing.

he does get busy as its a one man operation and he is always on the phone....plus trying to get orders ready.

he might have taken a vacation.
I realize he's a one-man operation, but I've never had trouble contacting him in the past and he always returned his missed calls. I've been trying to contact him weekly for months now. I have doubts that he pays much mind to his website. Something isn't right.
I spoke to him 2 weeks ago and ordered some tubes. There was a period of several weeks with no answer or voicemail. He said he’s extremely busy and my tubes wouldn’t ship for 3 to 4 weeks; it’s usually about 7-10 days.

I know he goes on buying trips for a week or two. It would be nice if he posted this to the website. I've noticed the inventory on his website is updated at regular intervals.