Goone...How many hours do you have on your EMC-1? I agree with the other posters that the EMC-1 is not the culprit (assuming it is fully broken-in). The issue of balanced being "better" than single-ended on the EMC-1 has been blown out of proportion, IMHO. I have heard the unit EXTENSIVELY with both outputs and the ONLY difference I here is the inherent additional gain that you get with balanced (in other words, it will simply sound "louder"). This of course can fool one into believing they are hearing all types of improvements, as simply increasing the volume level of a system can significantely change the sonic presentation (obviously). I have a hunch that this is the situation in this case, but I could be wrong ;-)
Jm88439...Concerning the lack of focus in your EMC-1, power cords and vibration isolation can improve focus tremendously on the EMC-1 (and many other digital playback products)...Just a thought.
Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio