Your memory of Audio Marketing, esp. B.S.

O.K. most of us old f--ts remember "the Copper Top Battery,  "when it rains, it pours", "I'd walk a mile for a Camel"(wouldn't go accross the street for a woman), "the quicker picker upper" and so very much more.  Kind of sad that most of us can do a commercial product jingle from an ad that hasn't been used for 20+ years.

My question is, what are/is some of the great Audio marketing B.S. phrases, slogans..etc. from the extended history of audio/high-end audio.  The first one is (with Ella) "is it live or is it Memorex", and of course we knew that Ella was great and Memorex was not. 

Anything like "Expensive fuses sound fabulous." More recent history, but BS nonetheless.
Yeah how long before that last voodoo snake oil fuse thread got culled? they all deserve the same fate.
There’s always some manufacturer trying to make a buck from the poor gullible idiots that believe their BS, they have no conscience, and BS spews forth from them and their shills, who are just as gullible and idiots.

Cheers George
STUNNING  ,  I would assume the Seller means that a stun gun was used in the production of the product. 
Bundle.  Having been in the high-end business/industry and a life long high-end owner I must apologize if I find current "Audiospeak" to be trivial and say nothing about anything important about whatever product it is.

Another current marketing word, "bundle".  I thought that was something you encouraged your children to do when it was cold outside, as in ______ up?