Whatta Ya Think About Hsu Research Subwoofers?

I’m in the market to add one or possibly two subwoofers to my stereo set-up.  I would like to spend $1,000 or less per unit, and that puts some of the higher-rated units out of reach.  I came across an ad for Hsu, which I had not heard of before.  I didn’t want a Chinese product and it turns out that Hsu Research is based in California and founded by Dr. Hsu, who has a Ph.D from MIT.  Audio reviewer Steve Gutenberg gave one Hsu product a positive review.  I was wondering if any of you have experience with Hsu and could share your impressions/recommendations with me.

My existing set—up is:  Parasound P5 pre-amp with Parasound A21 amp;  Martin Logan 60XT tower loudspeakers.  Thanks!
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HSU subs are the bomb! If I am in the market for a sub, I am buying HSU again. Especially for the money, I don’t think any sub can touch it. 
I owned a pair of Hsu ULS-15s for many years.
Excellent presentation across the entire band and extremely reliable. I left them powered up 24/7 and never had to touch them. 
I owned a pair of SVS 12" SB12S prior the HSU, and the Hsu's offered a lot more output. Granted, its not a fair fight, but the 15s are not of the one note variety. Excellent in a 2.2 music system. 

I'm a sealed sub guy so can only speak to the ULS-15, but their ported units are well regarded among the HT users. Definitely worth looking into.