Electrocompaniet EMC II CD Player

It seems like this player only run to the max with xlr balance interconnect, I had run them with both but on the rca my soundstage is collapsed there is no air and extension at all. Have anyone running into the same problem.
Subaruguru, all those decent parts must be very discrete indeed. I must admit to not being a techie type, but to these eyes, there just ain't much there any way you slice it. I've also heard similar opinions from those much more technically oriented than I. Take a look under the hood of a BAT D5 cdp. Then you'll see $4500 worth of parts and solid build quality. Now, does the D5 sound as good? IMO, no, not in most areas. It does however sound better in two. Focus and the quality of voices. I'm referring to the original D5 with NOS Amperex and Siemens tubes only and not the SE version which is inferior IMO. As for those jaws dropping? I'm not surprised that those accustomed to listening to budget gear were impressed. There's no doubt the EMC will easily outperform something like a Rega Planet. It better for the $$$.
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Jm88...haven't heard the BAT, but the vocals in my XLR'd EMC-1 are clearly rendered and spookily real. Tubes do this well, too, of course, but sometimes via a mid-band spectral "bump". The power supplies' diodes mod clearly brought the stage forward a bit, somewhat enhancing vocal "push". Steve's modding the transport suspension? Seeing as that's the EMC-1's raison d'etre I'm a bit surprised. I would have thought he'd concentrate on $$ caps and wire bits....
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