Amplifier for Harbeth 40.2


I have Harebeth 40.2 speakers and looking for thoughts on amplification for them.

Currently I use the pass labs int-250 and like it but feel could be improved upon.

One recommendation was given by dealer was to go to separates and pass labs 350.8.  That would improve bass further but not sure would improve midrange where previous VAC integrated had advtg over Pass.

Another recommendation was Luxman 900u amp.  This probably gives me midrange improvement but seems less powered than pass pas int 250 and def far less than 350.8.


You can go less expensive on the amps, but NOT the preamp.  They do have more detail than many give them credit for and therefore need a top preamp.
I’m confused when you say that the Luxman “seems less powered”
i believe the M900u is 1,200 watts per ch.
After further review I see that would be at 1 ohm, which I think would put you around maybe 300 watts at 4 ohms. More or less...

My Harbeth 40.2 is connected to my VAC Sigma 160i SE(85 Watts/channel with Brimar and Tung sol (both NOS) input tubes and Golden Lion output tubes) and I absolutely love what I hear. I also have a RelT7i for the super low end(crossover set to 60Hz and below) and the combo sounds very good. I'm sure there are higher power amps which sound better but 'better' is a very subjective term.  The low volume detail from this combo is just magical. I mostly listen to pop/ jazz/blues and love female vocals and Indian classical.