Manley Chinook Owners Tube Rolling

Just bought a Chinook M2 SE  From Upscale Has anyone tried other tubes besides the 6922 Tungstran i think that Kevin picked out. Would it even make a difference?
Thanks, Mike
Had Tube pre Tryin ss now  I wont be changing for a while Just wonderin
if your ears heard big changes I was reading you only need to try 2 and not all 4.Hot Topic:  Anyone change fuses in it
the best sound I have had from the chinook, was with bugle boys from Holland. quite the musical tube.

the other HUGE improvement you can do with the chinook is replace those loading resistors on the rear PCB. From the factory they are metal film.
Install some Vishay bulk foils there and the noise floor will drop, you will get more micro detail, and imaging will improve.
Thanks I read about those resistors Where can i get them They are easy to replace i hear