Thank you AudiogoN and users, for civility....

I do not know the reasons, but AudiogoN users are much friendlier and kind in threads and especially in responses.  ebay is quite the opposite with responses that seem to hint of very fragile egos and quite simply mean spirited people.  Does this mean the average audiophile (audiopile) is a George Bush "kinder, gentler" human? 
Odd that a thread with an initial post thanking users for civility has taken a turn towards the "dark side".  I can almost hear Vader breathing. 

I’ll bet my cookies are better than your cookies. *lol*

With that said, let’s debate something really important:

I love maple syrup on my waffles and pancakes. I’ve found that Grade-B maple syrup is more dense in character and richer in flavor. As an added bonus, Grade B is less expensive than Grade A too. For those advocates of Grade A maple syrup, before you call me a shill for Grade B, you’ve gotta try Grade B before you have any credibility on the subject. So ... Trader Joe’s sells both the A and the B.

Blind testing, anyone??


The problem with blind testing maple syrup is, well, um, it gets pretty messy .