I would recommend a VPI 19-4 first for the price, then a Scoutmaster or Aries on the used market. I do not like the Project tables at the same price as used VPIs and read that Rega tables under $2,000 have speed problems (too fast). One problem mentioned is clicks and pops. A non-hyperesolution or tipped up sounding analog frontend/pre-amp will have surface noise diminish with better quality equipment. The SugarCube is one way to ameliorate the problem (I’d like to buy one for my 78s though the same thing-higher quality TT resulted in reduced surface noise). The remaining problem for my 25,000 LP and 7,000 78 record are record wear. Buying used records is a crapshoot more often when the records are worn. Worn record sound is a problem and can be aggravating. Different stylus tips can help to reduce the problem by seeking less worn groove areas. Luckily, more of my LPs have seen nominal play, often just a few times prior to my purchasing them. Once purchased, I may play them 100+ times with no deleterious effect (keep the stylus clean and correctly installed and keep the record clean). Once played, the vinyl, snaps back to it's original groove form within 24 hours-it is a durable medium.