Should I pursue analog? Invest maybe 3 or 4 grand in a table and start buying records? Some stuff sounds really good on Vinyl but it's an expensive endeavor and NEW records aren't cheap. Plus thos pops and noise and a lot of setup required. Love the vintage aspect of it. Some records sound truly amazing on a really good table and cartridge. Take the plunge? Or buy a better DAC and dont look back!!! Lol. 
Dear @jeffvegas : I don't know you but I don't like mediocrity/average audio items, digital or analog.

All the advises here for analog and what you are asking for are in the mediocrity land, belongs to this territory.

In the digital domain the advises are in the mediocrity level too as that Benchmark.

If you like the mediocrity then go for what ever you think you need.

If you don't like and don't want stay in that mediocrity then you need to make a wise decision. In the analog alternative you need a phono cartridge in the 3K-5k  price range and only for the cartridge. You need that cartridge along a TT, a tonearm ( not unipivot, no matters what. ) and a first rate phono stage and you can't do it for less than 10K.

In the digital alternative you can go out of the mediocrity starting at your budget of 4K and up for the DAC.

Everything can " sounds " but not everything can sounds out of the mediocrity. Is up to you not the other gentlemans ( including me. ) in this thread.
Typical hogwash from an audiophile elitist -- ignorance on par with a flat-earther.
@jeffvegas I also suggest the new Technics SL1200G as a sound audiophile TT.  It is reasonably priced, durable and is superior to the prior DJ iterations.  There are several very high end DD TTs now including VPI.  Technics made some great DD TTs that sell for more than you are looking to purchase.   
Dear @jeffvegas: Please take a look to this gentleman system and due that he is using streaming digital alternative could be according you a Punk. Observe too that he does not use a BD TT and certainly no unipivot tonearm and his room/system is over 300K and a reference for any audiophile for its quality performance levels:

Problem you have is that you have very low knowledge levels not only in analog but in the digital alternative too and you showed that low knowledge levels through all your posts.

That’s the problem you have and it’s a problem for almost any one of us trying to help you because through your posts you said " things " as if you be a true expert in what you say when you are not.

From where did you took all those " crazy " things you posted? when you have no first hand experiences. LOL!

I think that you are not a PUNK but: did you already listened to a native DSD512 streaming? I know for sure you did not but you are an " expert ". How is that?

" Direct drive are junks.. "" who told you? the Technics I liked you is only the Technics entry level but seems to me that you tal just for talk understanding nothing in the main subjects.

A TT always is important but more important is the tonearm that will be mated with the cartridges and you just don’t care about. Go figure!

@helomech , elitist? wrong way wrong. That I put the nail where its hurt does not means I’m elitist because I’m not.
Look in a " poblation "/mix or conglomeration of people the 70-80% of them stay in the average/mediocrity range, 10% in the worst/very poor range and 10% in the excellence range. Where are you? you don’t need to have the mikelavigne room/system to put you feets in the top 10% range. First you need knoledge/skill high levels and then a little money to use that knowledge levels you have.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Lol!!! Now you got me back on this used SCOUTMASTER I can get for 1500 bucks. The REGA RP8 on music direct is 2 grand. Can get a RP10 for 3 grand used. Cartridge and phono stage will come later. I am focusing on a solid table to build a analog foundation on. Chime in goners which one should I get and why?
 My choice of those three would be the RP10. 

That said, this thread needs a little balance. Some here are claiming nothing under $10K competes with direct-drive, another is claiming direct-drive is just DJ junk. Both of these assertions are unequivocally false. Anyone with ample experience with reference examples of both should know that either can sound excellent, with any measurement imperfections far below the threshold of the media  (the noise floor that's literally cut/pressed into the grooves). And no, it doesn't take a $15K investment to get reference quality sound from either design type. I have a $3K belt-drive table (sans arm) that maintains speed within .03% of perfect according to a KAB Speedstrobe. Most listeners can't detect a pitch change under 1%.  

If direct drive were so inferior, VPI wouldn't be charging $30K for their DD model. If belt-drive is so inferior, Mikey Fremer would just use a 1200G, sell his Caliburn and pocket five figures. Further, if direct-drive was so inherently superior, the DD behemoth, Micro-Seiki, wouldn't have bothered to produce flagship models like the SX-8000.  

I do. It’s not that simple if your LOMC cartridge cost $4500 and to replace it (when the stylus is worn) you will have to pay 60% of the new cart again. It not always 80%, but even 60% from $4500 is $2700 ! In the MC world even $4500 is not the highest price and i had those cartridges before (never again).
If one can't afford the replacement/retip cost, then it's stupid to purchase that cartridge in the first place. I would agree with you if your argument were that anyone on a tight budget should stick with MMs. Replacement cost is  irrelevant, as it costs approximately 66 to 80% of the whole assembly to fit nearly any CURRENTLY-produced cartridge with a new stylus. Cartridge affordability really comes down to "act your wage." 
Jeff notice how not one of the people who talk in absolutes,  ask you what you wanted from vinyl.  Notice how the ones who talk in absolutes  have not built anything themselves so have no first hand knowledge of what is going on.  The 3-5 grand cartridge statement  is the most ridiculous  thing I have ever heard.   

If  I where in your shoes and going belt drive I would look at the heaviest  platter available , in your price range.  Then you can play with different  motors and controllers  down the road.  Maybe get a old aluminum  platter vpi and buy the new motor / controller , that Phoenix made for Sota.   Unipivots can sound glorious. How many  people who tell  you that all unipivots are garbage , have  built any,  or even remotely  understand the principles. 

If you are looking for what real acoustical  music can sound like, then your vinyl pursue should be worth  the effort.  If hip hop,  rap,  punk, or  electronic  stuff is your thing  maybe  digital  would be the way to go.

Enjoy the ride