Why is Sony Digital sound more like vinyl?

I have had Levinson, BAT, ARC, Wadia, Meridian, Denon etc...players..and the top ones, yet when I purchased a Sony scd-XA777Es I was touched in a way none of the others could! The one thing in common with the other gear was Burr Brown DAC's. Also, I have come to believe that RCA (single ended)connections are more musical. Most of my gear has been balanced...when I went all single ended...ah!!!...music like when audio was new!! Lastly, I have found that if CD playback levels on a preamp rise quikly with low volume settings...musicality and low level detail is lost. Perhaps others out there in Audiogon land have pondered my musings...or maybe I've got way to much time on my hands!!
W.C. Fields is rolling over in his grave- intellectual? Hovever, thank you for taking the high road.
I don't even have the 777es anymore...I'm afraid some are missing the point. The intent was to begin a fresh look at an old problem in light of something I and others have found unique to the Sony ES stufff...nothing more. Since it has morphed into some kind of techno, quasi-satirical diatribe for some, I will let this go and move on. Thanks to those who gave some consideration to my thoughts!
One last note, the last time I heard W.C. Fields quoted was in Allentown, Pa. by a drunk outside a downtown chain store. I prefer Oscar Wilde or G.K.Chesterton. Afterall, "Being educated puts one almost on the level with the commercial classes"....Gee Hammy, which one said that??
Dave, My guess would be Wilde, since the statement is meant at a wry indictment of the educated / commercial classes. Chesterton's use uf language was more straightforward, lacking the wit of Wilde.
How about "Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing."