Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
They are used for cost reasons mostly. Gear is full of them and no way the high end builders could use a much more expensive part that is used so extensively. Circuit boards are full of them. The already high priced gear would cost thousands more in some cases.

Small physical size is another reason why they sell. They fit well on modern circuit boards. They are on spec and available in great quantities. They are good at what they do for sure.

Lastly, they just sound good, not great, but do little or no harm to the design. Doing harm is a different standard than bringing out the gear’s very best however. 

I just experience this part differently than you it seems. Again, I am glad you like them so much.  I am sure it is a subjective preference based on your particular assortment of gear, room and ears.  I suppose there is no right or wrong here. Just differing experiences and conclusions. 
Deasr @grannyring  : Well, I'm talking and linked no-cost object audio items. I can't agree with you on the price subject.
The gentleman that has 250K for a pair of amplifiers certainly has 300K easily too and he will be willing to pay that no-object price.
All these products are designed and manufactured with no market price limitations, in this $$$$ market as higher the price the better.

"  They fit well on modern circuit boards. They are on spec and available in great quantities. They are good at what they do for sure.  ""

agree with but the small size because Wima has to many years in the market with the same cap sizes even the ones we can see on vintage electionics.

"""  Lastly, they just sound good, not great, but do little or no harm to the design.  ""

agree: are harmless, this characteristic is one that made that I sticked to Wima when in the past every where I seen a Wima always take out and changed for a " boutique " one or something " better ".

" Sounds good, not great.... ""

well the first step is that something can sounds good, this always is an advantage.
Sounds " great " is something really elusive for me today other than Wima because before Wima I was listening great quality sound using boutique caps.

The difference today is that that " old " great was in reality " fully coloration " not harmless/signatureless.
Difference is coloration against only the it self MUSIC natural color through the Wima adding or losting almost nothing.
I wish you could listen my system and caps comparisons on it.

This is not only my opinion is shared too for some of my audio friends that already took the experiences in my system that all them knew very well.
Two of them will take the Wima alternative in their systems.

Other disturbing information is the one that any one of us can read in that " Humble....." caps whole comparisons when you can read there this about the V-cap Teflon Cu:


Verdict: add about 2 points to whatever capacitor you are connecting it in parallel to. """

that is exactly the same veredict for the Duelung Ag caps.

Wima FKPS1 outperformed the V-cap with easy. Cap of 0.033uf.

Btw, this are the Wima caps I received today:

as we can read tolerance is 20% and I already measured and 6 of the 8 caps measured: 21.3uf and the other 2- 21.1uf

In the next two days I will  try to make the time to connect the Wima caps and I will test the 4 need it Wima for each speaker plus the 10uf need it to arrive near 100uf but because I still have the Alumen Z in 10uf I will try and latter on I will try with the 10uf Wima cap and see what happens.



Dear @grannyring  : Your last post is comendable for many things. One is that makes me think.

What is a capacitor? a very simple device and I don't have to explain you niothing about but anyway here is a wide explanation:

No rocket science at all.

Now, what want we that happen through a speaker crossover caps?:

restrict/limit the frequency that will pass through with out adding or losting nothing else. It's simple job.

The signal permited to pass trough must pass with out any alteration it has to pass straigth to make no harm and with out add " colorations " that at the end means distortions over a wide frequency range due that are not only the main notes but the developed harmonics..

So its job is simple but critical in importance.

Wima makes that in that way: straigth, no harm, no colorations/distortions.

TYhe boutique ones can't do it yet. Makes sense to you that the frequency signal is " looking for ": paper, wax or oil?
This kind of designed caps has no scientific facts that can corroboret the needs of those materials that were used 70 years ago in the radio caps.

I'm not engineer and makes no sense to me, maybe I can be wrong but after first hand experiences with several boutique caps I know something is way wrong down there. Btw, in this thread a gentleman linked information where we can see how bad measured Duelund caps and I posted that with its resistors is not better because it measures bad too. 

In the other side I decided to change the Duelund resistors I'm using in the crossovers and I alredy put the order for Powertron that is a Vishay group member. 
Talking of resistors Vishay is what Wima is with caps: a true industry standard and by coincidence both are german enterprises.

Btw, Powertron build the latest top Mundorf resistors.
