You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...

If you had a chance to work with anyone related to audio, pro or home, spend time in the workshop, go to the shows and sell it, who would it be?

Whichever company is located in Hawaii, assuming they'd pay me enough to live there comfortably with a killer kit.
Nelson Pass during the week to teach me to be a bit more patient with people, and a couple of shots of up front directness (ahem, cough cough) on the weekend..via a few days with John curl.

Then, on sabbatical and retreat with Scott Frankland, previously of MFA, to absorb the Zen of Tubes.

For speakers, no one. Just me. I’m like Leonardo DiCaprio in ’The quick and the dead’. I’m at my peak. Some Gene Hackman of speakers might shoot me down, though. One can’t know it all, one can only think that one does.
It would have to be somewhere in the Western Electric days or even Bell Labs. Telephony had a strong interest from me, and to witness the development early on would be priceless. No doubt, there were other interests as well, given that radio was changing every couple of years or so, which by that days standards, was lightning fast.
Pierre Spray or Peter Belt. Oh, snap! I did work for them. John Curl and Bob Crump, too, technically. Never mind.