Linear Power supplies for DACs...?

Is there real SQ benefits or is it placebo snake oil?
i have a Chord Qutest and it has a wall wart. Lots of people say there’s real benefit to adding an external LPS. 
Plenty of choices ranging from $50 - $500.
Sure, a home audition is ideal.

but, what do you guys think?

Not just for the Qutest, but in general for DACs.
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It is hard to say what the audible difference is with my fabulous power supplies, but because they're simply so large and cool (compared to the wall warts anyway) I've decided they're better anyway...and a part of my humless system.
Probably it is the question of combination of specific: DAC, LPS, home electricity and power supply design of other components (CD transport, amplifier, preamplifier)  .
If you turn your system up with nothing playing and hear hum then you need to look for the culprit unless you're using tube amps sometimes they will have a small hum. Other than that a good DAC should filter any power supply noise out, nowadays even a cheap DAC should. 
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