Which SS integrated amp to choose?

Guys, will appreciate your recommendations for a good sounding second-hand SS integrated amp with output power 100-150 w (at 8 ohm), weight up to 30 kg, budget up to 4K, age starting around 2000. My list now includes Gryphon (Atilla, Callisto 2100/2200), PassLabs INT150, Luxman 507/509. Not on my list are Hegel, Accuphase, Parasound, Marantz. Looking for balanced, on a warmer side, detailed, open, full bodied sound at my SF Guarneri speakers (86 dB, 6 Ohm). Feel free just to name the option or suggest yours. Thanks!
I don’t believe you are going to find many of these amps second hand for 4K. I’m amp testing right now. I heard the Hegel 390. It ticks all your boxes. 6k new. I’m hearing the Mark Levinson 5805 and the Krell 300i today. Those would have to be 50% off the new price to be 4k. Gryphon? Good luck. Pass INT60 is 11k new. Luman 507 a possibility and a nice amp. Accuphase was too polite for my taste and Mac is not not warm and super open, at least in your price range. Parasound and Unico Research meet your requirements from what I’ve read but not heard them.

apanhc OP

Gryphon Integrated Diablo 120 or 300 if you can stretch it, you won’t look back with either of those driving the SF Guarneri, and they’ll drive anything in the future if you ever go bigger with the speakers.

Diablo 120 https://6moons.com/audioreviews/gryphon/hero.jpg

Diablo 300 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2788/2378/products/0_0_0_0_70__Reviews_ScreenShot03338_1024x1024.j...

Cheers George

Here is my problem with Pass Labs, I think they make some of the best sounding, most reliable amps out there, that will also drive 90% of all speakers and they remain very musical while doing so, but, after owning their XP20 and XP30 preamps for 2 years each, I find their preamps are just mediocre at best. I would try to find a good used XA30.8 because it’s a giant killer and save up more money for a good tube preamp. You will be so happy you did. Good luck!
