Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .
Raven don’t have any affordable tube amp only integrated I really want to go separates thanks I will the rest out 
i did little upgrade to it

1. Titanium tweeter diaphragms
2. A-55-G midrange drivers
3. Crites crossovers with new internal wiring
4. Ciare 12" woofers
5. Sealed cabs with PL Premium X3
6. Added front to back bracing (minimal)
7. Swapped the stock metal jumpers with 10 guage Mogami jumpers. This one surprised me.
The J2 does in fact provide XLR as well as RCA inputs, according to its manual and the description at the First Watt site.  I'm thinking that you might have been misled by photos at the Reno HiFi site which are shown under links referring to the J2, but which actually depict the F6.

The Pass XA amps other than the XA25 provide balanced as well as unbalanced inputs, but while the XA25 has a gain of 20 db, all of the other XA amps have gains of 26 db, which as has been said is most likely too high.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al