I need advice for power cords

In my system there are 4 components that power cords are interchangeable.  They are PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Preamplifier, PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube DAC, Manley Chinook phonostage and Dayton Audio sa1000 subwoofer amplifier.   Should they all be upgraded, if not all which one to change to give me the most improvements.  I can't go crazy on cost, 1k to spend.   I've followed along with many threads on this subject. Always looking to make improvements to sound quality.   Many of you have much more experience with cables than I do so what do you recommend and I can do the research.  On a side note my McIntosh MC75's are vintage so old thin manufacturer cables and probably shouldn't change them. 

Have you rewired your house, or are you just pissing away money on that last few feet of wire? Just curious. 
Like a fancy and pricey watch on your wrist - power cords! Like interconnects, just jewelry!
Lowest cost Big Bang is clean up your box ( with electrician help if needed ! )

clean and tighten
replace the audio circuit breakers with high quality
make sure motor loads are on separate leg from audio
check the ground !!!

run 2-3 dedicated circuits IF possible:
1x for digital hash generating gear including wall warts
1x for sources analog and preamp
1x for power amp
Then carefully buy 1 power cord, start at source, including DAC ( unless you are stuck in music prior to 1985, at which point you are trapped in a small world of your own and maybe haven’t listened with an open mind... )


some are worse....

also Hospital grade Hubbel outlets are great low cost improvement as are wood outlet covers vs plastic or worse metal...

But because it’s actually fun to poke at the narrow minded, I made two nearly identical power cables for my Revox B-77 and WADIA 17 A2D to get them closer to apples to Apples....

Furutech makes some very nice bits IF you lean to DIY