The shams, scams and dead ends of the High Fidelity hobbie/passion/adiction

I am not real current so I may have missed a few. The ones I remember are SQ and any other name for "Quadraphonic", Perfect sound forever, and I will see what my fellow A’goNers can come up with. As a bit of a variation on a theme, I wonder what the most profitable B.S. audio trend/product was?...certianly the 8-track tapes sold well.....and ate themselves rather quickly.   

Sould likely have included the second D in addiction...

A sufficiently advanced technology will be ridiculed as a hoax or deemed magic by the average yahoo. Yes, I know what you’re thinking: I looked for it but I was unable to find it anywhere. 
Graphene twisted just the right way does become a superconductor.....

at a few degrees above absolute zero

how very useful 

or useFULL 
Lately USB reclockers seem to popular along with anything NOS in a DAC. I think expensive  fat cables and directional fuses probably do more. 
Note that Millercarbonresidue owns piles of what many consider to be useless tweaks from the profit margin marginalized mind of Ted Denny, and he pontificates ad nauseam about this stuff often...for this guy to single out Kaitty as one who promotes audio quackery is ironic, yet sort of fun.