Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp

I have high efficiency 100dB speakers klipsch KLF 30 with mods  
im trying to decide pure class A or Tube amp 
Any Pure class A recommendations will be appropriated especially the one sound good at low volume under 6K MRSP .
now I need deal or recommended dealer

Based on my experience and a great many others that have been reported here I would **very** highly recommend Reno HiFi.

Good luck.  Regards,
-- Al

Just FYI, all single ended tube amplifiers, large or small, run in pure Class A, and some. When pushed, they will run in Class A2- if the power tube grid becomes positive and draws grid current. Designing a pure Class A tube amplifier is not only possible, but also very cost effective at well under $6K. IMHO. Best wishes, Aric
I don’t think it really matters whether the amp is tubed or class A design. What really matters, is that you pick an amp that is designed well and will give you the sound you’re looking for. Some very well made amps will have a clean, detailed sound and other will lean on the very musical side. Ultimately, you would want an amp that matches well with your system and gives a magical, musical experience.  I have 5 amps sitting on my floor at the moment in which I frequently  rotate in an out. I like the sound each one gives and I have a log book I use to keep track of which speakers, speaker cables, power cords sound best on each amp. This consist of, a 50watt class A SS, 100watt EL34 tube amp, 22watt 300b amp, 18watt 300b mono amps and 9watt 300b mono amps.  Each of these amps are very special and give a glorious sound.  Point is, stick with an excellent class A SS or tube design and you’ll be fine.