Phono Stage Gain Question

I have a Manley Chinook phono preamp.  I'm running a Kiseki Purple Heart cartridge.  All is driven by a Primaluna Dialgoue HP Premium into Klipsch Forte III loudspeakers.  

I have two gain settings on the Chinook.  45dB and 60dB.  By some sort of default logic I have always run things with the higher gain setting, figuring it was needed because I'm using a MC cart. 

Well, the Forte IIIs are pretty efficient so my volume pot rarely went above 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock.  But things seemed slightly congested as I turned up the volume.  Today, I moved the gain switch to 45dB.  Now, I can listen at 68-72 dB (checked with a meter) and the volume pot is at 12 o'clock.  If I want it loud I can listen up to 1 or 2 o'clock. 

My question is--  Is the a soft rule or notion that you should try to get away with the lowest amount of gain possible?  Or given the output of the cartridge should I select the highest gain (60dB) that I have? 

While my ears will ultimately be the guide, it seems like I'm caught between extremes on volume settings.  With 60dB of gain, I rarely move the pot past 9 o'clock and with 45dB I'm going to be running things nearly always at 11-12 o'clock and for louder sessions near 2 o'clock.  Does the position of attenuation matter?  

Traditionally yes the high and low gains are used for mm/homc/ mi carts ( low gain) and LOMC carts ( high gain)
On the Chinook 60db is not really that high by some standards.
What you are really looking for is a setting of gain that does not generate any additional noise or hiss during playback. And if this is enough to drive your amp to adequate volume levels just fine then all is good.
You did not say what cart but I assume from your statements it is a fairly healthy output maybe around 0.4 to 0.5mv.
Dont worry where your volume control is overmuch.
If it sounds good with no obvious hiss then just enjoy.
Hi Uberwaltz!  Always good to see you chime in. 

Yes, the cartridge is a Koseki Purple Heart.  I have 0 hum at 45 dB or 60 dB.  The Chinook is dead quiet--always has been. 

I may just leave it at 45 dB for a few weeks. 
With the volume control at 1 o’clock you’re not even pushing it at 45db gain. The attenuator is in fact reducing the available signal voltage so as not to blow your head off. So you’re fine.

Would help to know the output of the Kiseki cartridge. Is the Primaluna an integrated amplifier? If so does its line stage provide gain?