What amp are you using with your Zu Essences?

Just a scored a pair of these and I was just wondering what people were pairing up with them. I've heard they work best with tubes. Has anyone tried solid state or Class D and then moved to tubes? How many or how few watts have worked for you? Thanks in advance for any stories.
Audiofeil's comment about OTLs and ZUs is incorrect. There don't seem to be any OTLs that will not drive the 6 ohm ZUs quite well.
02-11-11: Atmasphere wrote:
Audiofeil's comment about OTLs and ZUs is incorrect. There don't seem to be any OTLs that will not drive the 6 ohm ZUs quite well.

No good deed goes unpunished.
In fact my previous statement is correct.

Having had 3 pairs of Definition (6 ohm) here with an Atma-Sphere S-30 for over 2,000 hours of critical listening I'm quite sure of my conclusion.

The only instance in which the S-30 worked properly was on 1 pair of Definitions that had a 30 ohm load option. The bottom end performance was extremely poor using the 6 ohm taps. I suspect the Omen Defs (6 ohm) would perform similiarly.

I did not use the M-60 or MA-1 models so no opinion with them is offered.

Thank you.
Additionally, if you go to the Zu website and view the speaker comparison chart you'll see amplifier recommendations for various amplifier topologies.

Please note that Zu's comment for Omen Def (6 ohm) and OTL is a tenuous "maybe".

Thank you
I am driving the Definitions with Decware's new Torii 26 watt EL34 based amp and it is absolutely a stellar combination. I have found that Zu speakers are very amp friendly so enjoy them!