Separates or Integrated? What makes more sense?

If you had $10,000 to spend on amplification, would you put all that money and get a really great and pricey integrated amp like a Pass or Luxman. Or, would you use that 10k to buy a really great preamp and amp combo. Apart from the convenience and space consideration, hypothetically how would you choose to spend that 10k if sound was your main criterion.

I learned long ago just how hard it is for separates to match the performance of a good integrated. Of course no one can say for sure without doing a lot of comparisons, but I would bet money no one can do it. Not without spending a whole lot more money. 

The problem is two fold. One is, for any component, a big chunk of the design budget goes into the chassis and face plate. This represents a huge cost savings the integrated designer can then afford to spend on higher quality parts. Separates have no way of ever really making up for this big disadvantage. 

The other problem is separates require an interconnect and at least one extra power cord. This again is mega. Especially at the $10k level, the interconnect alone commensurate with this quality level is a good $3k all by itself. No way on Earth anyone spends $3k on an interconnect, and then with the remaining $6k buys a preamp and amp. I mean you can do it. Sure. But you will have spent your $10k, and it will sound almost as good as if you had bought the Raven Osprey for $5k less. 

But of course you wouldn't do that. What you would do is take the $5k and buy really good power cords, fuse, and whatever are your tweaks of preference, still have a couple grand left over, and be so far ahead of separates its silly.

That's what I did 20+ years ago. Compared. It wasn't even close. Guys love their separates, I know. They have their advantages. Or so they say at any rate. Among them however is one notably missing: sound quality.
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The most useless word in high end audio is “always”.
There are cheaply made separates and cheaply made integrateds. Depending on your budget, space and system synergy there are great options for either choice ~ if you do your homework and listen carefully.

Years ago stereo receivers were popular but high end fans panned them because these single boxes were cramming the tuner, amp, pre amp, connects and power supply in one case. The higher end market produced separate boxes for amps, preamps and power supplies with better components and shielding from noise, etc, for those who wanted the ultimate flexibility. 

Building a system with a rack full of separate components can be the fun part for some fans. Some folks love this “its the center of this hobby” aspect while others just want great music with as little fuss as possible. No right or wrong here.

But stating that sound quality is missing with separates is just total nonsense...

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