Dear friends:I really need your helpwith first hand experiences with speaker crossover capacitors founded in next main experiences/tested premises: for a 3-way speaker design, high resolution audio systems, very low distortion audio systems, wide systems frequency range, " zero trade-offs ".

I know that the best capacitor is NO-capacitor, well I need your near to that full experiences with another desired premises from you: audio systems using SS electronics and mainly listening MUSIC through digital sources.

All your opinions/help are appreciated.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Sorr my mistake: the caps speakers are matched not at 0.04 but  at 0.4%.

The other " finger " mistake is that must read: I can be wrong and not what I writed: " I can't be wrong " because any one can makes mistaKES OR HAS MISUNDERSTOODS, including me or even experts. I'm not an expert.


Dayton 1% tolerance poly caps measure very good and won't give you boutique flavoring on output. Tolerance is well withing spec and ESR is very low.
" Have I an explanation about? not for sure but now that the V-caps " disappeared " the hum gone with too.

Any explanation from some one of you? or an advise about?
"  Now my experience is with Klipsch but I figure what crossover components do with them they do with others too. All the old Mylar caps in crossover 20 years+ old i have measured after removal have at a bare minimum .15 ESR and often higher than .5 ESR. New ones I use measure maybe .004 at the top end. It makes for some downright sour sounding speakers at times until you switch them out. Best bang for the buck upgrade on older speakers is recapping your crossover and you don't need silly expensive caps to sound really good.
Dear @mahlman : If it's true that my ADS speakers are old it's true that this is not the first time I made or make a re-capping in the crossovers.

As a fact I already spended hundreds of dollars testing/changing the original caps with different boutique caps including: Duelun, Mundorf, Jantzen, V-caps, Sonicraft and the like and WIMA outperformed all the boutique caps.

Dear friends: There are other really important issues for the better with the Wima caps that latter on I will post.

I just measured the Powertron resistors that I bougth with spec of 1% tolerance for 12.00 british pounds each one. Each speaker needs 2 different values resistors.
Well, the Powertron are inside that 1% tolerance, in reality are at 0.5%. Powertron offers this model of resistors with a tigther tolerance as low as 0.01% for a very high price: around 80.00 british pounds for each one but I not only do not need that kind of tolerance but I'm not crazy to pay that price.
In the otherside and just because it was need it I bougth the Z-foil 2575 Vishay naked resistors with a 0.01% tolerance for my personal RIAA phonolinepreamp and for the Levinson's input resistors.

So, rigth now all the passive parts in the ADS crossovers are very well matched in between with lower tolerance. I remember that I paid a 10% fee to Alpha-Core inductors that alpha-core policy was that the ribbon silver ones only by customer orders, they had not on stock. In theory are matched at 1% or lower tolerance.
