What amp are you using with your Zu Essences?

Just a scored a pair of these and I was just wondering what people were pairing up with them. I've heard they work best with tubes. Has anyone tried solid state or Class D and then moved to tubes? How many or how few watts have worked for you? Thanks in advance for any stories.
"1markr Morganc... very interested in your thoughts about how the 845-based Carissa plays with your Omen Defs! Please keep us posted!"

I will for sure! It arrives Wednesday and I am off Thursday afternoon.....so I will gladly give you an update:-).......

For anyone else, especially you Phil, have you tried the Art Audio PX-25 with Zu? If so I would love to hear your thoughts, especially if you can compare it to the Carissa or a similar 845.

FWIW, the Essence ribbon tweeter output is "aggressive" with solid state gear, but nothing that can't be accommodated/resolved through careful (small) changes in positioning. I found that toe-in so that the tweeter output intersected on the rear wall behind the listening position minimized this in my room. Listening height plays into this as well.

That said, all of this went away with tubes. The impedance curve of the tweeter shelves down the output just a little on my Manleys. My Manleys are a very good match for the Essence albeit a pricey one at the new list price.


Yes, I am using it with a Peachtree Nova as a pre/Dac
and the combo is wonderful! I want to maybe try tubes
sometime, but feel no need at the moment.
Nice Telescope.....I talked to Sean and Adam at Zu and they both prefer Solid State with the Defs. Their favorites are the Pass Labs from the F3 to the M2 to the XA 30.5. What types of music do you listen to? What soumds the best on your system?