Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Tom Thiel once again dropping the knowledge...Thanks for sharing, Tom!
I have to say I laughed out loud when I read Bose used Thiel as their audio benchmark.  Would anyone venture a guess as to how well 2000s-era Bose speakers emulated the 'Thiel sound'??
I'd be curious to know what they use today for their large(r) speaker benchmark.  I'm sure someone would have to know a Bose insider to find that out...
I'm a proud owner of a pair of 2 2s.  I love that space.  On a separate note, I got my viewpoints set up at the office and am enjoying them for over an hour most mornings.  I was very worried after having to glue the magnet back on the frame but they seem to be working fine.  No rubs or distortion.  They have very little bass so I bought a tiny PSB "sub" that fills in to about 40hz.  It's not "high end" but it's a sealed box and it doesn't let high frequencies through to muck up the midrange.  And it fits behind my monitor.  Overall it's a thoroughly enjoyable little desktop system.  The viewpoints are serial numbers 59 and 60.  I wonder how many of those they sold.  They were putting that fantastic coax in a bunch of different boxes.  
Jon - I haven't been able to determine how many VPs were sold. The closest I get is a "few thousand pairs" of all the Power Products combined (using that coaxial driver). But, that may also be incorrect.

Painted with a broad brush, it seems that as brick and mortar demonstrating dealers declined and on-line and other sales channels took over, Thiel's sales per product and solid user experience also declined. Thiel had relied on high-quality dealers to select and manage appropriate customers, who often remained satisfied and committed over the long term. It seems that pattern may have eroded over time.