Is my room OK for Magneplanar 3.6's

Hi, The room is only 15 x 15 feet with a sloping ceiling from 10 to 15 feet high. If the speakers are 3 feet from the wall, I'm at the vertex of an equilateral triangle with the speakers 6-7 feet from me and about 5-6 feet from each other. Thanks. Laurence
Then it would help to know what you perceive deficient with your current speakers and what areas you are seeking improvement. Do you want more bass, better bass, better definition, more detail, less glare, better soundstage?

Then again maybe just different from what you currently own which is valid as well.
I empathize, since my room is even smaller than yours. Have you considered the Mini Maggies? At the introduction, people were comparing them favorably to the 20.1's, and rumor has it they'll finally be out in January. I'll be given them a listen myself.
Thanks for all the comments. I just want to make clear -- and this may change opinions, so please comment -- but the room is not square. It has seven wall surfaces and the back of the left Mag would be facing three angled wall surfaces, one 3 feet back, another 5 feet back. The right speaker would be facing 3 wall surfaces as well (about the same distances as the right) I would also be using a JL Audio F112 sub just two feet from where I am sitting. The setup is solely so I can listen while I work at a computer stand, about 6-7 feet from the speakers.
If you are going to listen 'near field' at low to moderate levels...than skip the big panels and get some MMGs. Same Magnepan sound and presentation....

My listening area is also wacky. 8 walls and a vaulted asymmetrical ceiling.
No 2 walls are the same length. But at least I was able tp get the speakers pretty uniformly into a short wall setup.

Sounds to me like you've already got your mind made up. Any chance in the future of having a larger space available?
No, unfortunately this is the only space I have to work with and it's where I listen to 90% of music when I'm home.