Where in the US to send my Linn Sondek LP12.

I thought I read somewhere that the best Linn Sondek LP12 turntable specialist was in Colorado somewhere. My nearest Linn dealer is in Ann Arbor Michigan. I live in SW Ohio. My query is - would it be better for me to personally drop off my turntable to Overture Audio in Ann Arbor or would it be a better plan to pay the shipping to this Linn  dealer in Colorado.

I'm leaning toward driving up I-75 to Ann Arbor and hand deliver my vintage LP12 with Ittok arm and K9 cartridge for a consultation on a power supply upgrade that I can afford. I have heard that the Lingo 4 is a meaningful upgrade. I'm not really wanting to play that crazy upgrade path game that Linn does where they steer you into an endless escalation of tweaks and upgrades.

But if anybody can vouch for a good Linn turntable tuner who is honest and who will work with an ordinary customer of limited means, I would be most appreciative.

@masi61   The web is full of folks who advise that you try and set up your Linn yourself...its no big deal they claim. Yet in the very same post, they usually state that they moved on from the LP12, as it just wasn't that great sounding a table...compared to their Numark or whatever! 
Don't do this! Have a competent dealer set up your deck...and don't look back. There is a lot of good info in dvddesigner's post...including the video from Peter Swain ( an expert on LP12 set up_). But, if you look at his video and see his expertise, I think you can see why he is in such demand....and why it really isn't that easy a task to set up the table...correctly!
As to the power supply, go with the Lingo 4 unless funds allow for a Radikal D. IMHO, first upgrade your bearing to a Cirkus, if it is not already there...huge bank for the buck, IME. 

soundcheck6: Yes, the person I was thinking of is in fact Thomas O'Keefe. Provided me some valuable advice when I put my LP12 together. Thanks for clarifying. Looks like Westland, MI is close to Detroit.

daveyf: Agree of Cirkus bearing if the OP's LP12 does not have it. I always forget to mention it since it is part of current spec tables for a while. 

Also - reread my post and please excuse some of the typos. It was late when I wrote the post. 

Videos to look at.

This is part 1 of a 6 part series. Worth a watch. The other 6 vids are easy to locate.

This is a How It's Made video. Also interesting and the 3D animations give some unique looks at the LP12

One other thing to look for. Linn sometimes does promotions where you can get two upgrades at a reduced overall price. I have been able to take advantage of that and it does help. They ran this promo last spring but not sure if it is annual or occasional promo.

Oh, one last thing. Linn does have a upgrade hierarchy they recommend but it does not have to be strictly followed. I feel basing upgrades on the age of the LP12 and your goals will help achieve good results.

I purchased a used LP12 from Thomas O'Keefe and it was by far the best setup LP12 I have ever received via shipment. It was packaged with great care and all I had to do was install the cartridge then install the arm and it was magic. The suspension was the best I've ever experienced, perfect up and down bounce. Can't recommend him enough.
As of 6-29-2018 ThomasOK  (Thomas O'Keefe) does a complete 3 hour setup and fine tune of LP12 for $225.
What a great bunch of responses folks. I was out of the loop of this corner of the audiophile hobby for 2 decades. 

I spoke with ThomasOK and had a very nice conversation with him. I got a price quote on the Lingo 4, and got some info on the replacement of the Cirkus bearing. My LP12 is from like 1981 so I think I’m going to jump up several levels of magnitude in precision with the Karousel bearing that is being released. 

I never did get the kind of bass detail I wanted from my LP12 with Ittok arm and K9 cartridge. Maybe having having the Bryston MM phono stage feeding my Bryston BP-26 preamp be on the receiving end of the turntable will be revealing of the detail and non-fatigue that I seek. I have only listened to my LP12 on my old NAD 1155 preamp/2200 power amp combo and it definitely sounded better than whatever CD player I was using at the time. My current system’s digital sound quality is pretty amazing so the bar for getting this old LP12 back playing records is set pretty high.