I need advice for power cords

In my system there are 4 components that power cords are interchangeable.  They are PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Preamplifier, PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube DAC, Manley Chinook phonostage and Dayton Audio sa1000 subwoofer amplifier.   Should they all be upgraded, if not all which one to change to give me the most improvements.  I can't go crazy on cost, 1k to spend.   I've followed along with many threads on this subject. Always looking to make improvements to sound quality.   Many of you have much more experience with cables than I do so what do you recommend and I can do the research.  On a side note my McIntosh MC75's are vintage so old thin manufacturer cables and probably shouldn't change them. 

Humble advice from my limited experience:
1) Don't assume that the same power chord (brand, price point, level, etc...) will work equally well on all your components. Experiment with each one individually.
2) Using different cables on different pieces of equipment can create excellent overall synergy in a system. The effects of different cables can be additive. 
3) Luna Cables make a very organic sounding inexpensive power cable (orange level) that you might like and that will fit your budget and might have good synergy with your equipment.
4) 20 amp dedicated power lines, using 8 or 10 gauge wire, with independent ground... an even more important move that good power cables.
5) I wouldn't spend my budget equally on all components. I'd look at $500-$1K cables and see if one of them really lights up the system when applied to a single component. Then I would supplement with slightly improved placeholders for other components. 
6) Which component is most important is very system dependent. I never had better results from a power cable than one that was put on a pre-amplifier. On another system it was the DAC that was most affected. I've actually found that power amps have been the easiest to improve (or settle into a good zone) with less expensive cables. YMMV
Dude, these are the basics. 1.  You need sufficient gauge. 2. Good quality termination (ie strong set-screw contact).  3 Decent materials.  Copper or silver (don't get distracted by 'nines' or other snake oil).  4.  They really should be flexible.  There is truly no excuse for for the inflexible cables. 
I had great luck with Anticables.  The change was immediate and obvious.  Start with source, DAC, or pre.  If you aren't happy with them send them back for full, no questions refund. 
No need to spend 1k on power cord. Just get a couple of Pangea  power cord, should be enough. 

134 posts
03-05-2020 9:56pm
Dude, these are the basics. 1. You need sufficient gauge. 2. Good quality termination (ie strong set-screw contact). 3 Decent materials. Copper or silver (don't get distracted by 'nines' or other snake oil). 4. They really should be flexible. There is truly no excuse for for the inflexible cables.

I just saw cables that have all types of materials used in construction, they are not flexible, they are expensive, they work VERY well.

What is "nines"? Like dressed to the nines?

If you think about WHY cable is flexible, it is because of the LOOSE weave, size of the conductor and the flexibility of the jacket(s).

Why should it be flexible, like in car audio, WHY. The conductors are large, and very flexible. ALU clad wire, most of it.  Other than easy install, there is no reason. Home is another, WHY? Again it doesn't have to be.  I've seen a few systems hardwired with LONG runs. Amazing sound, solid conductor silver wire (romex like), and valve amps..