I disconnected a network cable, swapping cables, one got loose, It was going well and I heard this, high pitched sound and RAN full steam, TOO friggin, late, took out two valve amps, almost puked on the spot...
I guess it pulled out and dropped, DEAD SHORT. BOOM, BANG, blew a breaker, OUTSIDE. 20 amp breaker!!. Here is the problem when you maintain 120 VDC, they just keep burning until ALL the caps discharge.
Should have been running a lightbulb in series, SOMETHING!!!
I'll say this though, they are some great sounding cables, in spite of my TOTAL screw up.. I fixed that issue, it will never happen again. I lock um down and shrink tube the connection, CAN'T come loose now. Geez that's gonna be a pain to fix...
I now have to razor cut to remove but, they don't come loose, Spade only or eyelets, would have never happened.. Geezzz, spend and learn.
Again GREAT sounding cables, 17 footer, 3 meter, and the NON network cable (10/4) 12 footer. The 3 meter cable using 12/4 soow and both networks was the winner, simple.
Valve amps (AB), Class D, and PL pure class a, just crazy good. About 250 hours on the cables, close second the 10/4 with 100 hours or so..
Best way to explain it is they become holographic, close your eyes and see who's playing, Kenny Rogers, Ruby!! polovtsian dance number two by Borodin. Star spangle Banner by Jimmy. Crazy Patsy Cline, and Lynda Ronstadt, Camila Cabello's Havana. Something about planars, The new arrivals, RM30s, God they are ugly, but man oh man, someone really knew how to make these sound GREAT. Actually better than the Elixirs, in a few ways...Now to finish the MB columns, I been putting off, winter is backing off, my hand are thanking me...