I think you are taking the wrong approach to this topic. You appear to be approaching it from a standpoint of logic and physics. So what that every claimed reason for working including static electricity, dielectric/capacitive effects or vibration could be easily tested to be real or not .... you know that 1) vendors never will because they won't be able to show a difference, 2) the people that advocate for them will not test for the effects as they are unable and 3) the people that do test for the effects and show they are not there will be insulted with any number of ad-homs.
Just consider what it is ... Ted is the comedian extraordinaire of the industry, the "press" in the room are his faithful audience, and you and me, wolfgarcia, etc. just don't seem to get the joke.
I think you are taking the wrong approach to this topic. You appear to be approaching it from a standpoint of logic and physics. So what that every claimed reason for working including static electricity, dielectric/capacitive effects or vibration could be easily tested to be real or not .... you know that 1) vendors never will because they won't be able to show a difference, 2) the people that advocate for them will not test for the effects as they are unable and 3) the people that do test for the effects and show they are not there will be insulted with any number of ad-homs.
Just consider what it is ... Ted is the comedian extraordinaire of the industry, the "press" in the room are his faithful audience, and you and me, wolfgarcia, etc. just don't seem to get the joke.