Wadia 861

How does the 861 compare to the competition, ARC CD3, Electrocompaniet EMC-1Up, Krell, Ayre, etc? TIA.
ok my Great Northern Sound Company statement modified 861 sounds quite a bit better than my Wadia 270/27ix combination did. And compared to the stock 861 the statement player totally kills the stock player it's vastly superior in any and every sonic parameter.
stock Wadia 270 and stock Wadia 27ix v3.0 software was running clocklink using XLO TYPE 7 AT&T glass cables which are clearly better than the Wadia cables.
Mejames: How much did the GNSC mod cost? Also, do you know how many mods are available from GNSC and the range in prices? Thanks.
believe the statement modification is $3300
the less substantial reference modification is $1850
I believe their is a standard modification for ? $ also