Amp and Preamp recommendations for Yamaha NS5000

Currently have SOTM 200 ultra -> denafrips terminator +dsp board -> Audio gd he9 pre amp -> dual bryston 4bsst -> NS5000.
I am loving the sound... just sounds incredible. But wonder about amp and pre amp upgrades down the road. Any thoughts on what might work well? These speakers are 87 db efficient.
So far thinking all pass labs amps + pre.

Ok with buying used. Would like to keep things under $20k if I can. Thanks.
@smodtactical What gear did Markus use to demo the NS 5000?

My demo had the new Yamaha separates at $10K each. I sounded very good and  they are only 100W @ Ohmn.

This speaker has the detail but it is also soft on top. 

The local dealer that carries the NS 5000 has the new SimAudio 860 v2

I will ask them to hook them up to the NS5000 to them before I buy them. I will buy the NS5000 but want to hear SimAudio with them. They sounded great with the Persona 5F which is a much different speaker from the NS5000. I will likely do a head to head comparison, in the same room with the same gear, between the NS5000 and the Persona 5F.  I am thinking of the Persona 9H for another room.
I need to ask a question. Since when, does Mcintosh have lightning fast dynamics, and a high damping factor ? None that I have heard, and I sold, and installed them, for years. My buddy has a 452, and I would not describe it that way at all. It is a warm sounding amp, and he loves it. ymmv
I need to ask a question. Since when, does Mcintosh have lightning fast dynamics, and a high damping factor ? None that I have heard, and I sold, and installed them, for years.
+1Those characteristics indeed do not apply to Mac's
Cheers George
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