Schiit Yggdrasil A1 versus A2 Upgrade

Anyone have an Yggdrasil A1 that they have owned and then upgraded to the A2 version? I currently have an A1 that I have owned for a couple of months. I bought it from the original owner so I know all its history. Its fully broken and been constantly kept on. Initially I found that leaving the Yggy off between listening sessions simply make it sound horrible. It needs to be at working temperature all the time.
Upon extensive listening to digital sources and comparison to vinyl and RTR the Yggy simply doesnt come close. Lacks dynamics, bass!!!. 3D space, lacks punch and power. It sounds like a compressor is attached to it. It has lots of detail and a rather balanced sound to it but thats about it, I dont see what is so great about it. Its lifeless, has no sparkle, it doesnt come out and grab your senses. its boring.
I sort of feel I am at a point of selling or upgrading. Heard so many good things but now that i have it Im not sure an upgrade will fix all the Schiit that Schiit screwed up on in the first design. Its also annoying paying for upgrades that essentially are design flaws.
I was hoping some of you members had done the upgrade to A2 and had some A1 to A2 experience you would like to share.
Yeah thats what they say but it works it just fine. What about when you feed almost no signal to your speakers, or no volume? isnt that no wattage? They are just stating what  they believe would be a good all around minimum to work a variety of gear to get to a certain db of listening volume.  
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The Yggdrasil might have a problem driving your amp directly without a preamp. The stereophile measurements showed the Yggdrasil had a much harder time driving a 600 ohm load vs 100k ohm load. 
@ hsw 
Very interesting, that might explain the rather lack of power behind musical images that you are used being bone shaking and very authoritative. I recall when modding the amp I actually increased the input resistance to 1k. I’ll have to speak with Chris Johnson at Parts Connexion about this.
Thx! so far you have made the most sensible comment. 600 ohms is low and allows for a lot to current to ground.
now that I’ve using the unused USB for about 40 hours the bass is getting better but the impact is still to be desired. Much appreciated!
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