sodium / tungsten / magnesium, aluminum, wire?

I've been checking out wire,

Could Agoners chime in on any experiences with these wires. I'm reading some
rather EYE opening things about types of wire and their, conductive, and
resistive properties. (not sure that's worded correctly). 

Sodium and magnesium in particular.
I've read along with other the benefits of Tungsten when incorporated correctly in speaker cable builds.
(that project is underway currently)
I'm wondering AGAIN, with certain dielectric combinations if there is something MORE, on the table.
Sodium wire?
Magnesium wire??

We used to have a press for making sodium wire, it was used to dry various solvents. It’s pretty soft stuff but worse than that is the fire risk, it’s a trifle combustable itself and generates hydrogen if you get it wet and also enough heat to potentially ignite the hydrogen though not as much a potassium would. Magnesium is a bit less reactive, stable enough to make wheels from for instance, at least when alloyed, but these have a limited life. In wire form you have a relatively large surface area so its reactivity matters more, the bright light it emits when burning is quite impressive. 
 In wire form you have a relatively large surface area so its reactivity matters more, the bright light it emits when burning is quite impressive.

I've seen a few crazy thing too.  I use to work for Laidlaw Environmental. Many years ago. Just about the only place you could get a job in the 70-80s. Turned out to be VERY informative. I learned EVERYTHING will kill you. simple. Question was, how fast... LOL BUT I learned how to be VERY safe around everything. Good lord we processed cyanide solvents from the Silicon Valley. The only thing we (ME) didn't fool with was radioactive, materials.  YUP I saw a few water reactive materials. 
A lot of that waste was from the Steel Mill foundries.

BUT for IC I guess sodium is out, well added lead, magnesium, alu, still on the menu, now MYLAR? I found a good source for pure Tungsten, now I have to figure is implementation.

rhodium? what is that shi% anyway...Has some wonderful property apparently, it's used enough. I've never used it , Knowingly.

Just to emphasize all metals save one - lead - have directionality issues due to the deformation of the symmetrical crystal structure during manufacture. Lead has no crystal structure. Smooth sailing. Hel-loo! 🤗
all metals save one - lead - have directionality

I got ya. Everything get an arrow.. OK HAPPY NOW.. Just no arrows on the lead. Ok let me put that in the the notes column. Ok it all written on my forehead backwards. Shave in the morning, it'll remind me. OK..
Really everything does have arrows, bar power cords. Raw cable ARROW added.. ok, OK...LOL  I flipped a cable more than once, 
oh yea...

Thanks geoffkait

Mercury? a  tube with sealed leads out either end... MMMMMM
same with magnesium, or sodium, removes the problem with water,
and hopefully increase longevity. 

Mercury, well there is the enviro issue.UHHHHHHH!!!!!
