2A3 Tube Opinions

Looking to add a pair of 2A3's for my amps that are full/meaty leaning towards the vintage sound.  Currently running EML Solid Plates and love them, but looking for more weight to the sound.  Thanks for any advice.
@enobenetto Not sure if he will do it for free but Upscale Audio definitely has the equipment to test those tubes.  

@verdantaudio Thanks a bunch!! I will try them and hopefully they will be cool with. I don't mind paying them a fee (reasonable fee). 
@dekay  @biketech60 @larryi and others...

Your recommendations for 7A4 driver tubes for a 2A3 amp?

It is the exact same amp in this thread by @arthursmuck  [I purchased it from Arthur].

I believe the amp came with Sylvania 7A4s, though the lettering isn't clear. I'm currently running Philcos. Thanks.