Herbie’s Audio Lab still in Business?

In November I bought some spike puckies form them. They work well under my amps. I was going to order more for my speakers. Sent a couple emails. Called them a couple times. And haven’t heard back. Been a week. Anyone know if they are still around or having financial issues? Thanks for your input.  
Wish you well with that. Years back I placed an order with a place that did go out of business shortly after my order went in. I lost out, but it was a small amount 
They are still in business. I received my order from them this past week. This was the second order they have fulfilled, to me, during the past month.

Any luck on your Herbies order?
I placed an order yesterday and received one of those automatic replies right away saying I would get a shipping notice shortly. In the past that info came pretty quickly. Nothing yesterday or today.

Looks like according to the tracking it’s on the way and will be here Thursday. Crazy...
Ok, I got my Herbie’s order today. So maybe they just have shitty CS skills. Ordered over the weekend. Shipped Tuesday and received today.... can’t complain about that.