Vimberg Speakers

Hi Guys,

Anybody owns Vimberg speakers?
Have you compared the normal version to the D version? (Diamond tweeter)
What were your listening impressions?
What do you drive them with? Are they difficult to drive being 4 Ohms?
Anyone heard them with the constellations Mono 1.0?
Are they difficult to place in the room?
Are they versatile speakers?

I'm going to rebuild a system from scratch and I'm interested in the Mino.
I don't want to spend more on power than on the speakers (ie too difficult to drive)

Any insight is appreciated,


I compared the contriva g2 to the tonda d and although the tonda was excellent the contriva g2 was far superior in every respect. Soundstage, imaging, extreme detail retrieval. It wasn’t close.
Smodactal, did you test the speakers side by side on the same system or in two different systems?

What we said was the Vimberg Tonda D setup at Axpona was magnificent and other setups of the Tidals were not more magical considering the humongous price differential between the two product lines, 

That is not to say that the Tidals aren't a more refined product but you are paying a gigantic premium for that additional level of refinement. 

The reason Vimberg exists is to offer a tremendous amount of the same sound quality for a fraction of the price, so of course the Tidal line will be even better but in order to do so you have to go to those extremes which drive the price up dramatically.

In our opinion you can get the same results by using a Critical Mass Maximum or Olympos rack with the Vimbergs, vs a lower quality rack setup on the Tidals.

The Critical Mass racks are one of the most remarkable performance improvements you can make in elevating a system. So yes we would do a really well implemented Vimberg setup vs a non maximized Tidal setup and still come away with magnificent sound for less.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Vimberg and Critical Mass dealers
Hey @audiotroy  yup heard them side by side at a dealer with exact same system (high end tidal system). The dealer did say that maybe the slight difference of positions, effected things with the vimbergs being further out and the tidals being further in? Not sure if that would make a massive difference in the detail retrieval and clarity I heard coming from the tidal.
Talked to Doug  white about this and he confirmed that throughout the two lines there is quite a huge difference.
But I am happy if I am wrong since we can all save money on vimberg!
How do you like the vimberg compared to the other heavy hitters you have sold like the persona? Or other of your favorite speakers?