Which Power Cables to sell

I am debating which cables to sell, Maybe somebody heard them both with better ears
I have 1pr. each JPS Labs Power AC+ and PS Audio Perfectwave AC-12 Which would you keep. Maybe for speakers and sub
Pro tip: ask questions before assuming you know everything 

can you tell a difference between the stock factory cord and your two other cords ?
 Depending on your answer but to do some rework as it were...

let’s make it a simple math / logic problem



Sygr = unknown

show me where SYgr > JPS
So unless you are that strapped, don’t sell anything right away and try a few more.

* note some F > than the voodoo junk out there for cables, why ? Better connections, lots of garden hose AC cables barely stay in the IEC outlet, poorly torqued, etc...

fruitloopsr- here ya go 
https://www.audiogon.com/listings/lisa120c-synergistic-research-uef-blue-power-cable-ac-cablesHave not heard the Blue cable, but got the Blue outlet, and assume the power cord will possess the same sophisticated balance of smoothness, detail, and dynamics. Guaranteed you will not be wondering if it is any better- you will be shaking your head in disbelief that anything can be that much better- or my name's not Millercarbon and you can come back here and berate me and I will lay down and take it.