Gene DellaSala Has Coronavirus

If you haven’t seen this yet...our very best wishes and prayers to Gene and his family.
And the issue for those not in the Faux cult bubble is that the 20% drives the health care system into overload.

those who struggle with facts or think America is different will of course disagree

simple math which our family routinely experience in San Diego ( cancer ) the average time in ER before an open bed assigned is about 20 hours. This in the top tier UCSD system.

add in virus and flu and kaboom....

of course ... your mileage may vary
But since we like numbers there are about 800k total hospital beds in USA and 35 M patients in a year. Roll the bones.....
My 69 year old brother is in a nursing home and bed ridden. If he gets that virus I will be planning his funeral :-(
Actually, Dr. Fauci said that it was at least 10x more deadly than the flu. And then there is is hard to get help of any kind if you can’t easily be tested.

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