Gene DellaSala Has Coronavirus

If you haven’t seen this yet...our very best wishes and prayers to Gene and his family.
We don't really know how many have it here in the US. We haven't been able to do large scale testing so the numbers will be skewed.
No shirt, Sherlock. We don’t know what we don’t know. But what we do know is bad enough. 


"Already did. Just go off on a tangent like you? Not likely."
I am not sure I understand this, but whatever it is, I appreciate it.

glubson, obviously the risk is higher for older persons and especially older persons with underlying health issues. Mortality rate is just straight numbers. If you find a breakdown of the numbers by age please share. If memory serves Johns Hopkins is keeping the global database.
"We haven't been able to do large scale testing so the numbers will be skewed."
There may be more than just a sample size at play. That is what epidemiologists are for.