Vivaldi, played badly, is the worst classical music on earth

I thought I hated Vivaldi, the Four Seasons especially, but then I heard an absolutely sublime recording.... sadly I don't remember who the composer or orchestra was.
(Cheap shot...pardon the gist of my jest...)

@flipwils Viv. and the Dvorak that followed it (for my following the link) are lovely examples of the music of their eras.  I have a personal preference to hear such in the manner they were done intimate setting, live, unfettered by  all that existed between the players and YT.

...and YT and my ears.  The musicians themselves are interpreting well could critique, but that's not my intention, nor point..

What strikes me the parallel in the length of the selections...3 minutes, and 'X' seconds....the 'average' length of a current 'popular' song....

One could discuss the 'attention span' similarities....even the ones' invoked with the length of a symphonic concert and a modern 'rock concert' with all its' technical wizardry...which I suspect bugs people about yours truly....

I can go to a 'classical' presentation of an 'antique' form of music, and truly enjoy it.  The sweep, the subtly of soft violins, the power of brass unleashed, the grandeur of it all in crescendo...

Even in the 'cheap seats', above the 'regulars', if you're not moved, something inside is Dead.

(But I do notice that the bar is open before and during Intermission....but that's another story to be told....;).....)

Now...contrast that (and pardon the 'antique' reference....but, it is a bit long in the tooth.  There may be a soothing element within that, but I'm not a 'shrink'...and y'all are not patients....)....

...with this...

...and we can have a lively discussion....;)

Play Loud,

Bigger audience, bigger show....*S*

Turn off the monitor and Listen.

Two centuries have transpired.

Nuance still exists.

One just has to have an open mind....the hardest thing to own.
Herbert von Karajan
Now he must be the most over-rated conductor that ever existed. He invented the word tedious
If I saw the word Haitink on the box, I generally grabbed it, feeling it was safe to take home.
I have spent many hours practicing that piece! I have studied violin with the Suzuki method for ~8 years now, and have learned a few pieces past book 4 (as my username suggests). Did you study with the Suzuki method? How did you find out about the book 4 Vivaldi?