What should I choose??

I have the old B&W 802d's.  I also have the older, first generation, Bryston 14bsst amp (now 15 years old). Both of them are performing well and are in mint shape.  My question is this:  I am interested in the new Bryston 14cubed amp...and I am also interested in the new B&W 802D'3.  But I can't afford to do both.  Should I focus on getting the amp first or the speakers?  Please, I don't need to be told to buy amps or speakers other then the ones I am asking about as I am a big fan of my system.  I just know that B&W has reworked their D series and that Bryston has done the same with their amps.  thanks, Jim
You've heard the 2 new products together already right? Because you like the synergy of the 15 year old components you're taking a leap of faith you'll  like the new combo as well. While i've never been a B&W guy I vote speakers first .
I do remember listening to a classe setup with the 802s. It was a really good match. 
Never been a fan of B&W's.  Where's the bass.  However, add a pair of REL subwoofers helps to fill in the bass.  I know I keep saying this, but I think the SALK speakers are the best I have heard under $60,000.  Jim Salk is incredibly knowledgeable as well as nice.  Tell him Larry Edwards from Denver sent you.  You will love this guy.  His cabinet build is incredible and he uses the best drivers money will buy.
How are your room acoustics? 
“Please, I don't need to be told to buy amps or speakers other then the ones I am asking about as I am a big fan of my system.”

Since you like what you have, I would recommend going over your room acoustics one more time, listen and then proceed from there.  By evaluating your acoustics in the room to ensure that you are extracting all of what your total system has to offer, you may be surprised at the improvement in sound. My room is custom built but to my exact specs for sound abatement and acoustical dampening. The best my system has ever sounded and the sound is just amazing. BTW, had a pair of 4BSSTs years ago and they drove the N800s very well but went to tube amplification later on. 

 Please, I don't need to be told to buy amps or speakers other then the ones I am asking about as I am a big fan of my system.

In that case then you should not be buying amps or speakers at all, since either one is bound to change the system you like so much. What you want instead is something that will let you keep everything you like about your system, only make it better- same imaging only better, same detail only better, same dynamics only better, etc etc. Also you want something easy to try and send back if it doesn't work out. Not something it will be a hassle to send back because of all the work and expense of packaging and shipping it back.

What you want then is Synergistic Research HFT for your speakers and room, and ECT for your electronics. Reviews are all over the site, I have them, added a little at a time, and they really work.  https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367  HFT are visible on the speakers and walls, and if you look real close will see ECT on a few components. They're on a lot more just not clear in the pictures.

You're probably wondering how much difference something so tiny can possibly make? Well at least as much difference as a $2500 Koetsu cartridge, $3500 Herron phono stage, but not quite as much as a $4k SR Euphoria interconnect. So somewhere in there. A lot of improvement. 

They come with a satisfaction guarantee and can be shipped back in the same envelope they came in for next to nothing. What the heck do you have to lose?