Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
@khiak I expect the Tidal App on your iPad will be vastly superior and I encourage you to use it.

The T+A app will allow for simple control of Tidal.

I have the SDV. Congrats on the SD!!!
David and Khiak,

Guys you haven’t scratched the surface of the T+A SDV 3100 true performance. We have compared the built in streamer vs USB via the Innous Statement and the USB sounds way better as well as allowing full high resolution digital signals. The Innous will allow up to DSD 128 with other servers  the Dac can actually process DSD 1024 natively which no other dac on the planet can do!

There was a European review which they used a high end server running HQ player which allowed the reviewer to actually hear DSD 1024 which was a mind blowing experience. We will be upgrading our Laufer Technik Memory Player to allow for this, we will also be searching the market to find a high end server that can run fast enough to do this as well.

Also the Critical Mass Centerstage footers will also elevate the performance even further.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ T+A and Innous dealers
@audiotroy  Valid points. I am aware of the stated 'superiority' of the USB input over the LAN input. 

However, @khiak is in the beginning stages with respect to streaming. Therefore, WiFi / LAN for Tidal makes sense as a starting point (for him). I'm sure, as he develops his familiarity, comfort level,  knowledge and understanding of streaming he will move in directions that include Roon as well as possibly choosing USB.

In my case, when I conducted the comparisons with my former chain, the LAN input was superior to the USB. So, for now, I am LAN in direct from my server (dual / bridged LAN).

I have servers coming in for evaluation so I can tease out which input I end up choosing and whether I can live with a pure server option OR I need to go with a Server/Renderer ala Innuos / Wolf Audio / Pink Faun / Taiko. 
@audiotroy Thanks for the info SD capability. As I am new in streaming, I should just slowly progress up the streaming food chains and hopefully in the near future to listen to the DSD1024,
Hi @david_ten 

You listed a few SOTA servers in there, which are all top of the line best there is!

IMO, part of the digital chain is server, then streamer, right before DAC. Obviously, if the DAC has a built in network bridge (LAN), that IS your streamer, so you only have to worry about the server.

Further, and of course IMHO, you should try a top class server/ streamer combo, feeding your SDV 3100 via its USB input. And with the new Innuos PhoenixUSB reclocker (albeit more than a reclocker), there has never been a better time. After I had the PhoenixUSB in my chain for a few days, downstream of my ZENith MK3, I sold them both! Now you may wonder why....

The PhoenixUSB was so good, and so effective, that I went ahead and got myself an Innuos Statement!

One more observation from my own experience at my system: adding a PhoenixUSB to my. ZENith MK3, made a substantially more positive impact relative to replacing the ZENith MK3 / PhoenixUSB combo with the Statement. However, I do NOT regret doing this. An improvement, small or big, is still an improvement 

pS. Just updated my virtual system in here