I spoke with ThomasOK and had a very nice conversation with him. I got a price quote on the Lingo 4, and got some info on the replacement of the Cirkus bearing. My LP12 is from like 1981 so I think I’m going to jump up several levels of magnitude in precision with the Karousel bearing that is being released.
I never did get the kind of bass detail I wanted from my LP12 with Ittok arm and K9 cartridge. Maybe having having the Bryston MM phono stage feeding my Bryston BP-26 preamp be on the receiving end of the turntable will be revealing of the detail and non-fatigue that I seek. I have only listened to my LP12 on my old NAD 1155 preamp/2200 power amp combo and it definitely sounded better than whatever CD player I was using at the time. My current system’s digital sound quality is pretty amazing so the bar for getting this old LP12 back playing records is set pretty high.