Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler on all Components including Subs Over-Kill

I've done' a bit of reading on power cables.  One cable that keeps coming up in discussions is the Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler.
Also, I read Nordost's Foundation Theory paper.  
In this paper's information they state, "Consistency is King!"  It goes on to read, "Use the same power cords to feed all the key components in the system. Once you have an audiophile cord between the wall and your distribution block, make sure that any further cords are of the same type or, at the very least use the same technology and materials. This usually means employing AC cords from a single manufacturer."

Millercarbon often suggests the- Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler.  I've done enough research that with patience, I can purchase this cable around the $250 - 350 range.

A couple of questions:
1. Would it be "overkill" purchasing Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler for all of my six components that can use an upgraded power cord (my DAC is vintage and has a fixed power cord).  If helpful the component are:- IsoTek EVO3 Aquarius power conditioner
- Primaluna integrated tube amp.
- VPI Classic Signature TT-  Manley Chinook Phone Stage
-  two Rel S/3 subwoofers

2.  Is the suggestion of employing power cords of the same type and from the same manufacturer hold any water among the folks here at Audiogon?

3.  Could the Rel S/3 be plugged into the medium power outlets of the my Power Conditioner? Those medium-current outlets deliver 1,150W continuous power.  I gotta think the answer is yes, but I gotta ask!  The sub's manual states it draws 22 watts at idle.  I have no clue what current they draw at my listening levels.  Not terribly loud.

I think I have a handle on the difference of the levels of power cords.  If ya read enough, it eventually sinks in.
I've immersed my self with reading and learning about power cords and talking with folks at SR and The Cable Company.  And of course, thanks to all the help from members here!  Cheers to you all! 

For now I need to step back to let things settle in before I pull any triggers.  This process started with the consideration of purchasing used SR Power Couplers for $200.  As usual, things have changed.  At this point, I'm going to take advantage of The Cable Stores borrowing programs.  It was suggested by the rep at SR to borrow a power conditioner from them (it comes with the Atmosphere Level 2 Power Cord) and experiment with the three components; the Atmosphere power cord with existing components, and the SR conditioner/Atmospher PC and discover their impact on the system.  (I think I've read this basic suggestion here on the forum a hundred times!  I may be slow, but I ain't stupid!  HA!).  In addition, The Cable Company will take my IsoTek conditioner in on trade (I'm waiting on the trade value from them).  Options are good to have. 

So it's going to cost me $150 in rental fee plus shipping and handling to demo the equipment for approximately 7 days!  If I decide to purchase it or something else from them, they will apply that $150 to the purchase price to that item.  Maybe I'll demo a number of cords!  Worst case scenario:  If i do nothing, it'll cost me $150 to have the opportunity to hear for myself what these pieces of equipment can do for my system, thus allowing me make an informed decision.  That's worth every penny when dealing with this kind of money.

Cheers and again, thanks for listening!

I'm planning to trade in my Isotek evo3 power conditioner for a used Synergistic Research PowerCell 12 S.  It come with an Atmosphere Level 3 power cord.  Hopefully, this will be my "forever" power conditioner and cord.  It arrives tomorrow for a 30 day trial.

From what I've read and been told, it will be a substantial upgrade.  I certainly hope so!  I'll report back.
Took delivery of the used Synergistic Research Power UEF S Power Cell.  As mentioned, it comes bundled with the Atmosphere Level 3 power cord.  I started out looking at some entry level Master Couplers and ended up getting this rig. I spent a bit more than I anticipated or wanted to, but I don't regret it. 

I still have all the stock cords on all my components.  The only upgrade is the new power supply and it's power cord.  The transformation is significant, particular in the lower octaves!  I didn't know it could be so full and rich with sound!