Audio Aero Prima DAC


Did anyone already heard this AA Prima DAC MKII ? I want to combine with Metronome T20 drive, B&W 805 Signature and Classic amps.


Well i'm using the Audio Aero Prima Dac with a Proced CDD transport and all I can say is that it is *exactly* like the capitol player.

Go for it, you wont regret it.

I'll have my Prima DAC MKII within two weeks. It is the new silver version with two analog inputs, so I think I will use it as a preamp. I already have the Metronome T20 transport, for the time being in combination with Tubalog from Music. Fidel. and this sounds very nice ! But I'm looking forward to the Prima ofcourse !! I'll get back to you guys whitin a few weeks.

Either the Prima or the Capitole with analog inputs is total Nirvana.

If you do a search hereabouts on Audio Aero you will not fine another CD player that gets such unqualified praise.

I own the Capitole and I am listening to it now with a toslink connection to my Satellite receiver.
uncle Jeff, what happened to that Prima mod info you were going to get me? What's up with that? peace, warren