Beware of NAD M3 Fire Hazard

My $3k NAD M3 started shooting sparks out the top and burned the shelf that was 8" above. Luckily I was home and not sleeping or the house would have burned down. If anyone has one of these I advise them to unplug it when not in use. I took it to two different repair shops and they said it would be about $800 to just get it running and there may be board issues. They advised not to take the gamble. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do with it?
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Sorry for your loss.  The picture was truly worth a thousand words.  NAD should give you some help.  They might not replace it, but should offer you a steep discount on a current production model.  Keep us informed.
I agree with contacting NAD as long as they cover the shipping. It looks like a swap of all the boards is the only real fix. If I owned NAD, I would give you credit for a new one and figure out what failed on the old one. Hopefully, the OP would come back to this thread and note they stood behind their product. This would make it Ok for me to buy NAD. If they don’t I would post it here for the world to know. Anything can happen to a piece of electronic. What is most important is do they stand behind their products and was this a one time occurrence. Sorry for the loss. This is why I prefer separates, but I do get this was not your primary system. 
How old is the unit ?
why not call Nad and ask to speak tothe sales and marketing rep . If he cares about the companies reputation 
then he will want to help making things right . This approach makes sense.