Hi Sam,
in some past, the single box design inherently compromised the performance of an integrated... Just to site an example, a single power supply was mostly used for all subsystems because of size limitations, thus cross-talk and distortion could leak among subsystems. Conversely, on devices such as Daemon, there are individual regulated SMPS on various subsystems.... In the amplification section, there is a dedicated power supply on each channel, making Daemon's amplification a dual-mono design.
But I realize that in the end, proof of goodness must be in the pudding... So I will eventually compare the performance of Daemon feeding Die Muzik directly to that of Daemon feeding M925, and those into Die Muzik speakers.
BTW, all my wiring is by Cardas... Clear Beyond XL for power cords, and Clear Reflection for speaker wires and analog ICs... I found that Cardas has extraordinary synergy with Rowland equipment, and am in fact amazed about the glorious sound I am getting, even though the Reflection line is at least a couple of levels below Cardas's Clear Beyond, which is Cardas's top of the line for analog ICs and speaker wires.
Saluti, Guido